Monday, December 3, 2012

Rohan NPC Location

Rohan NPC Location List

Rohan NPC Location - Do you difficult to find Rohan NPC location in Map? I will share to you complete NPC list coordinate in map. Here are some Rohan NPC location list in Rohan Map ;

Rohan NPC Map Coordinate Location List

Abel <Montt Consignment Dealer>, Montt City, F-7
Actox <Infernal Tower Peddler>, Armenes Map, G-4
Adams <Master Shieldsmith>, Einhoren City, J-5
Adolf <Coliseum Gatekeeper>, Del Lagos Map, F-8
Adira <Ahkma Cave Gatekeeper>, East Bahran Island Map, B-9
Adrian <Sundries Merchant>, Ehres Harbor, D-7
Ahtulran <Inspectors of Geizan Region>, Geizan Map, D-6
Agnes <Limestone Foothill Guard>, Varvylon Map, H-2
Akirra <Politician>, Par'Talucca City, F-3
Albireo <Magic Weapon Merchant>, Fishing Hole
Alfredo <Einhoren Treasurer>, Einhoren City, G-4
Alopex <Dragon Eyes Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Via Marea Map, F-2
Alex <Hushed Forest Dispatch>, Varvylon Map, H-2
Alexius <Sundries Merchant>, Vena City, F-3
Alfonce <Dispatch Paladin>, Dharvegawan Map, F-9
Alice <City Guard>, Kai'non City, D-4
Alphena <Master Weaponsmith>, Montt City, I-3
Altman <Rangd Weapon Merchant>, Einhoren City, I-7
Amanda <Hushed Forest Guard>, Varvylon Map, D-4
Amilie <Vena Treasurer>, Vena City, F-4
Amorino <Green Moss Tower Guard>, Morrisen Map, J-2
Amy <Caroline's Daughter>, Einhoren City, J-6
Anas <Melodic Sea Guard>, Via Marea Map, J-7
Ananias <Alchemist>, Ehres Harbor, D-7
Andelique <Prophet of Flox>, Ignis Map, G-2
Andras <Vena Consignment Dealer>, Vena City, E-3
Angus <Master Weaponsmith>, Einhoren City, I-5
Anne <Dwarf Hill Guard>, Eibach Map, D-6
Andrea <Liom Region Inspectors>, Liom Map, F-8
Aphrates <Magic Weapon Merchant>, Vena City, H-3
Aquarius <Water Temple Garden Gatekeeper>, Del Lagos Map, E-3
Aramina <Alchemist of Darkness>, Einhoren City, I-5
Aria <Level Refiner>, Rev'Deca City, F-5
Ariel <Alchemist>, Vena City, F-3
Arien <Strange Elf>, Kai'non City, F-1
Argeus <Sundries Merchant>, Via Marea, F-5
Arnor <Son of a Baron> Ignis Map (near entrance of Montt City) I-7
Arthelais <Consult of Vena>, Vena City, E-9
Asai <Vengeance Dealer>, Par'Talucca City, G-2
Ashton <Novice>, Kai'non City, H-7
Assam <Politician>, Par'Talucca City, F-9
Aster <Par'Talucca Entrance Guard>, East Bahran Island Map, I-8
Atiya <Dragon Sage>, Armenes Map, G-5
Auguste <Einhoren Consignment Dealer>, Einhoren City, E-3
Avis <Captain of Secret Envoy>, Ignis Map, G-6
Azma <Par'Talucca General>, Par'Talucca City, I-8

Badilus <Einhoren Consignment Dealer>, Einhoren City, F-2
Badua <Rev'Deca Gatekeeper>, Armenes Map, E-5
Bahadur <Rev'Deca General>, Rev'Deca City, C-5
(Baiel) <Liom Region Inspectors>, Liom Map, C-6
Barin <Alchemist>, Montt City, C-8
Baman <City Guard>, Rev'Deca City, D-6
Bazio <Mount Merchant>, Montt City, E-6
Belena <JUba's Waterclock Guard>, Del Lagos Map, E-4
Benedicto <Cathedral Custodian>, Einhoren City, D-7
Benet <Inspectors of Geizan Region>, Geizan Map, G-8
Berlio <Vengeance Dealer>, Montt City, E-5
Beronica <Bothan Penitentary Gatekeeper>, Varvylon Map, F-6
Beslodio <Montt Head Guard>, Montt Royal Palace
Bharati <Mount Merchant>, Rev'Deca City, G-8
Bill <Guild Association Administrator>, Varvylon Map, H-2
Bishal <City Guard>, Rev'Deca City, C-6
Blaine <Souvenir Collector>, Etton City, I-8
Braams <Guild Treasurer>, Einhoren City, G-8
Bruno <Coliseum Gatekeeper>, Armenes Map, E-5
Buddy Cassle, Del Lagos Map, F-7
Buccalo <Vengeance Dealer>, Einhoren City, G-5
Burnett <Status Refiner>, Einhoren City, G-5

Camila <Caronia's Tomb Guard>, Varvylon Map, J-6
Cage <Jewelry Collector>, Liom Map, C-6
Carlos <Montt Intelligence Agent>, Eibach Map, J-10
Caroa <Etton Gatekeeper>, Draht Map, C-4
Caroline <Tavern Host>, Einhoren City, J-6
Caron <Rev'Deca Patrol Captain>, Armenes Map, G-9
Cathleen <Alchemist of Darkness>, Kai'non City, F-6
Cecilia <Mount Merchant>, Vena City, G-2
Cervan <Level Refine>, Vena City, G-4
Chaahti <Betrayed Guildmember>, Liom Map, J-9
Charles Croissant <Emilita Lyonan's Husband>, Montt City, H-8
Chhay <Blacksmith>, Dharvegawan Map, F-9
Chloe <Alchemist of Darkness>, Vena City, E-4
Chris <Caravan Merchant>, Aevraury Map, F-3
Chryme <Sundries Merchant>, Montt City, C-8
Ciony <Disciple of Azma>, Par'Talucca City, I-9
Claire <Melee Weapon Merchant>, Einhoren City, I-5
Clara <Lost Grandmother>, Aevraury Map, G-6
Clemens <Ahkma Cave Gatekeepe>, Del Lagos Map, J-8
Clifno <Coliseum Gatekeeper>, Ignis Map, I-7
Clovis <Coliseum Gatekeeper>, Varvylon Map, H-2
Cuffs <Vengeance Dealer>, Kai'non City, D-6
Cumar <Melee Weapon Merchant>, Rev'Deca City, H-4
Cunzoony <Alchemist>, Rev'Deca City, H-7
Cyclo <Kai'non Treasurer>, Kai'non City, E-5
Cynthia <City Guard>, Kai'non City, D-3
Cyrus <Status Refiner>, Vena City, F-4

Dakei <Par'Talucca Assassin>, Liom Map, F-2
Dalynn <Guild Treasurer>, Par'Talucca City, I-7
Damalis <Armor Merchant>, Ehres Harbor, D-6
Damats Heartwell <Heartwell Sect Manager>, Par'Talucca City, I-2
Delidin <Guild Treasurer>, Montt City, I-7
Denelius Don Endriago <King of Armenes>, Rev'Deca City, C-6
Dhenuka <Pet Merchant>, Rev'Deca City, C-5
Dion <Edoneh's Face Guard>, East Bahran Island Map, D-5
Diora <Weeping Field Guard>, Draht Map, I-5
Dobert, Varvylon Map, H-2
Dorothy <Status Refiner>, Kai'non City, D-5
Doyhen <Par'Talucca Head Guard>, Par'Talucca City, I-2

Efee <Guild Treasurer>, Kai'non City, I-4
Eldries <Armana Chapel Monk>, Aevraury Map, F-3
Eleghia <Master Shieldsmith>, Vena City, G-3
Elseia <Master Shieldsmith>, , Ehres Harbor, D-6
Elvira <Friah Village Guard>, Rima Map, E-2

Elwar, Koware Map, D-7
Elwatt, Kowarre Map, D-7
Ekianela <Master Weaponsmith>, Kai'non City, E-7
Emanuel <Vena City Guard>, Aevraury Map, F-2
Emilita Lyonan <First Queen of Montt>, Montt City, H-8
Epius <Elder in search of Son>, Aevraury Map, F-3
Ernest <Coliseum Gatekeeper>, Via Marea Map, G-7
Ertion <Peace Order Camp Mercenary>, Del Lagos Map, I-3
Euzino <Event Administrator>, Ignis Map, D-4
Evan <Fishing Hole Gatekeeper>, Fishing Hole
Everard <Magic Weapon Merchant>, Einhoren City, H-8
Evine <Follower of Grigerra>, Rima Map, G-8
Evra <Magic Scolar>, Geizan Map, J-6

Faust <Moira's Brother>, Rima Map, C-8
Fers Hahnt <Einhoren Head Guard>, Einhoren City, D-5
Fiolo <Medical Scientist>, Eibach Map, J-10
Fiske <Township Battle Mediator>, Kai'non City, F-5
Flair <Montt Gatekeeper>, Ignis Map, I-7
Franchesca <Myrtle Woods Guard>, Liom Map, C-6
Frank <Vegetable Peddler>, Einhoren City, J-5
Frea <Perishing Plains Guard>, Kowarre Map, D-3
Fredrick <Fishing Hole Gatekeeper>, Kai'non City, G-5

Gabius <Guild Trustee>, Vena City, H-5
Gamaharo Huma <Second Master Shadow Walker>, Par'Talucca City, J-5
Ganiel <Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Vena City, F-2
Ganuyaki <Disciple of Doyhen> , Par'Talucca City, H-2
Gariff <Secret Envoy>, Ignis Map, G-6
Gayetano <Master Weaponsmith>, Par'Talucca City, G-4
George Lyonan <King of Ignis>, Montt Royal PalaceGhoster, Shrouded Mansion, Varvylon Map, E-9
Giff <Black Dragon Sanctuary>, Geizan Map, C-8
Giorgio <City Guard>, Vena City, E-9
Giovanni <Melee Weapon Merchant>, Kai'non City, F-7
Godrich Haysbert <Einhoren General>, Einhoren City, A-6
Gordon <Souvenir Collector>, Vena City, F-4
Goro <Mount Merchant>, Par'Talucca City, D-9
Goteshark, Ignis Map, F-3
Grache <Level Refiner>, Kai'non City, F-3
Gracia <Master Armorsmith>, Ehres Harbor, D-6
Grasil <Entangled Ruins Guard>,Aevraury Map,H-6
Graff <Caravan Merchant>, Geizan Map, J-6
GrandMother and GrandFather, Del Lagos Map, D-9
Griffin <Cartographer>, Dharvegawan Map, F-9
Grigerra <Savior of World>, Varvylon Map, H-2
Grow <Ezker Island Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Ezker Island Bindstone, Kowarre Map, J-8
Gudelia <Master Armorsmith>, Vena City, G-3
Guliermo <Dragon Eyes Guard>, Via Marea Map, F-2

Haem <Grand Mage>, Rev'Deca City, C-6
Hagett <Coliseum Gatekeeper>, Aevraury Map, F-3
Hamman <Souvenir Collector>, Rev'Deca City, F-4
Hans <Fishing Hole Gatekeeper>, Montt City, E-2
Hareise <Ash Valley Gatekeeper>, Del Lagos Map, I-3
Harold <Armor Merchant>, Einhoren City, J-5
Hebril <Level Refiner>, Montt City, G-5
Heiden <Bergendy Brewery Guard>, Morrisen Map, E-9
Hein <Follower of Grigerria>, Rima Map, G-8
Helena <Gypsy Prophet>, Ezker Island Bindstone, Kowarre Map, J-8
Hemish <Drifter>, Einhoren City, G-7
Henry <Fishing Hole Gatekeeper>, Par'Talucca City, H-8
Heroth <Level Refiner>, Einhoren City, J-5
Herphius <Armor Merchant>, Vena City, G-3
Hibernon <Master Weaponsmith>, Vena City, G-3
Histrix <Master Weaponsmith>, Ehres Harbor, D-6
Hizino <Melee Weapon Merchant>, Par'Talucca City, G-4
Holmes <Official from Del Lagos>, Aevraury Map,H-6
Hoyar, Varvylon Map, H-2
Hugo Liefriss <Township Battle Mediator>, Einhoren City, H-6
Humphrey <Souvenir Collector>, I-8
Inemis <Store Employee>, Ehres Harbor, D-7
Ingrid <Knights Hall of Fame Guard>, Del Lagos Map, G-6
Irawadee <Rev'Deca Consignment Dealer>, Rev'Deca City, G-3
Ishewar <Master Armorsmith>, Rev'Deca City, F-4
Ismil <Armor Merchant>, Kai'non City, H-5
Istvan Baileys Einhoren City B-7
Izaak <Pet Merchant>, Einhoren City, H-5

Jacobs <Cursed Warrior>, Etton City, G-7
Jasmine <Armenes Altar Guard>, Armenes Map, H-7
Jaya <Par'Talucca Consignment Dealer>, Par'Talucca City, B-3
Jeclo <Last Warzone Caretaker>, Ignis Map, D-4
Jeffrey <Souvenir Collector>, Kai'non City, I-6
Jenovia <Tormaline Quarry Entrance Guard>, Geizan Map, D-6
Jeremy <Wild Highland Peddler>, Del Lagos Map, H-10
Jerop, Varvylon Map, H-2
Johannes <Master Armorsmith>, Einhoren City, J-5
Joshua <Trainee>, Kai'non City, F-8
Jude <Fishing Hole Gatekeeper>, Einhoren City, J-6
Jusoo <Expert Hunter>, Liom Map, F-2
Juvenal <Vena Consignment Dealer>, Vena City, E-3

Kaltran Mauzelle <Montt General>, Montt Royal Palace
Kamura <Master Shieldsmith>, Par'Talucca City, E-2
Karhiab <Master Weaponsmith>, Rev'Deca City, H-5
Kazmoto <Katar Maker>, Dharvegawan Map, F-9
Keia <Montt Treasurer>, Montt City, H-5
Kelman <Mount Merchant>, Kai'non City, I-7
Ken <Par'Talucca Guild Trustee>, Par'Talucca City, I-7
Kino <Novice Assassin>, Par'Talucca City, E-5
Kite <Montt Guild Trustee>, Montt City, I-7
Kobe <Par'Talucca Patrol>, Liom Map, F-2
(Kozumi), Varvylon Map, J-6
Kurakao <Charlatan>, Dharvegawan Map, J-6
Kuro <Unidentified Mercenary>, Inside Rahkon Castle 2

Lachet <Magic Weapon Merchant>, Kai'non City, H-6
Ladian <Vena Guard>, Via Marea Map, G-7
Lakeath <Master Weaponsmith>, Kai'non City, G-4
Larg <Caravan Merchant> Dharvegawan Map, J-6
Larmiel <Novice Healer>, Vena City, I-2
Latil <City Guard>, Montt Royal Palace
Lazesus <Grand Counselor>, Geizan Map, G-8
Leflone <Vengeance Dealer>, Vena City, E-4
Leila <Kai'non Consignment Dealer>, Kai'non City, D-6
Levia <Kai'non Gatekeeper>, Morrisen Map, H-5
Liberian <Neophyte>, Vena City, F-2
Lilian <Ehres Harbor Gatekeeper>, Aevraury Map, C-6
Lingmay <Alchemist>, Par'Talucca City, F-8
Lise <Pet Merchant, Montt City, D-8
Lizmore <Wild Highlands Guard>, Del Lagos Map, H-10
Lumienne, Varvylon Map, F-6
Lumiere <Guild Treasurer>, Vena City, H-4
Lunatos <Melee Weapon Merchant>, Ehres Harbor, D-6
Lusdana <Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Montt City, H-3
Lydia <Howlette's childhood friend>, Liom Map, F-8

Madri <Guild Treasurer>, Rev'Deca City, E-4
Magician's Scale, Montt City, I-6
Mahara <Ahkma Cave Gatekeeper>, East Bahran Island Map, C-9
Manisha <Rev'Deca Consignment Dealer>, Rev'Deca City, G-4
Mari <Doll Maker>, Crea Workshop, Via Marea Map, F-5
Margaret <Baker>, Einhoren City, G-7
Marten <Wild Highland Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Del Lagos Map, H-10
Masruth <Healer>, Rev'Deca City, D-7
Matilda <Melee Weapon Merchant>, Fishing Hole
Matilda Pelini <Mother of George Lyonan>, Montt Royal Palace
Mattew <Fishing Hole Gatekeeper>, Rev'Deca City, H-5
Matrashi <Exiled Dekan Female>, Armenes Map, D-5
Mayo <Par'Talucca Consignment Dealer>, Par'Talucca City, B-3
Medeline <Upstream of Rai'ner River Guard>, Morrisen Map, D-7
Meldie <Peace Order Camp Informant>, Del Lagos Map, I-3
Melina <Master Armorsmith>, Montt City, D-3
Michael <Friah Village Merchant>,Rima Map, E-2
Minuet <Kai'non Consignment Dealer>, Kai'non City, D-7
Misael <Alchemist>, Crea Workshop, Via Marea Map, F-5
Misbirha <Township Battle Mediator>, Rev'Deca City, I-6
Mishura <Sundries Merchant>, Rev'Deca City, H-7
Mihwa <PAr'Talucca Treasurer>, Par'Talucca City, I-4
Moira <Lady who forgot her past>, Rima Map, B-9
Monasela <Coral Sea Guard>, Via Marea Map, D-8
Morickz <Pet Merchant>, Par'Talucca City, G-2
Morion <Temple of Ohn Guard>, East Bahran Island Map, I-5
Morris <Dismissed Palladin>, Liom Map, C-6
Moses <Elf Mercenary>, Aevraury Map, I-6
Mr. Duck <Mock Duck Hot Spring Gatekeeper>, Varvylon Map, G-1

Nandeeny <Persona Switch Agent>, Rev'Deca City, D-4
Narses <Master Weaponsmith>, Vena City, H-4
Natara <City Guard>, Rev'Deca City, C-6
Nennio <Sundries Merchant>, Einhoren City, J-7
Nick <Firr Mercenary Dispatch>, Morrisen Map, D-4
Nictor <Limestone Foothill Peddler>, Varvylon Map, H-2
Nobellone <Einhoren Auction House Gatekeeper, Del Lagos Map, E-6
Noel <Status Refiner>, Montt City, F-5
Norberto <Archeologist>, Inside R1 Entrance

Ocra <City Guard>, Par'Talucca City, J-5
Obivos <Traveler>, Ehres Harbor, D-6
Odessa<City Guard>, Montt Royal Palace
Okari <Township Battle Mediator>, Par'Talucca City, G-5
Olga <Diabolo Garden Guard>, Liom Map, F-2
Oneal <Ezker Island Peddler>, Kowarre Map, J-8
One Killed by a Cursed Disease <Dark Elf who died of Sickness>, Eibach Map, C-8
Ophelia <Akhma Cave Gatekeeper>, Del Lagos Map, J-8
Orpin <Necromancy Scholar>, Montt Royal Palace
Oryx <Level Refiner>, Crea Workshop, Via Marea Map, F-5
Oswald <Mount Merchant>, Einhoren City, J-4
Otto <Souvenir COllector>, Par'Talucca City, G-9

Pablo <Alchemist>, Einhoren City, J-7
Palasina <Blooming Sorrow Guard>, Via Marea Map, I-4
Paroh <Armor Merchant>, Par'Talucca City, E-2
Pascal Vistierre <Ignis Magic Forum Representative>, Montt City, I-6
Patrick <City Guard> , Einhoren City, B-7
Penzolt <Master Shieldsmith>, Montt City, D-3
Perisada <Dekan Girl>, Rev'Deca City, D-7
Peter <Fishing Hole Gatekeeper>, Vena City, I-2
Phanacea <Vena Head Guard>, Vena City, F-1
Phillip <Archeologist Assistant>, Inside Rahkon Castle 1
Piela <Temple of Flox Gatekeeper>, Ignis Map, G-3
Pinus <Ehres Harbor Treasurer>, Ehres Harbor, D-7
Plasey <Follower of Grigerria>, Rima Map, G-8
Polze <Firr Mercenary Dispatch>, Morrisen Map, D-4

Quaid Berkins <Kai'non General>, Kai'non City, H-3
Quong <Persona Switch Agent>, Par'Talucca City, G-7

Radmisha <Rev'Deca Treasurer>, Rev'Deca City, E-7
Randell <Firr Mercenary Patrol>, Geizan Map, D-6
Raselian <Melee Weapon Merchant>, Vena City, G-3
Ranziano <Township Battle Mediator>>, Montt City, G-6
Reiner <*sensor*seum Gatekeeper>, Morrisen Map, H-5
Reitt <Master Shieldsmith>, Kai'non City, H-5
Remion <Crea Workshop Gatekeeper>, Via Marea Map, E-5
Rias <Firr Mercenary Patrol>, Geizan Map, J-6
Ridic <Melee Weapon Merchant>, Montt City, H-2
Rihit Del Lagos <King of Del Lagos>, Einhoren City, B-7
Rima Regenon <Queen of Via Marea>, Vena City, E-9
Rio <Montt Commoner>, Montt City, G-3

Riphalia <Orc Fortress Guard>, Aevraury Map, F-3
Rivyn's Conscience, Del Lagos Map, G-2
Robdun <Orc Fortress Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Aevraury Map, F-3
Roberry <Archeologist>, Dharvegawan Map, F-9
Robert <Fishing Gear Merchant>, Fishing Hole
Robin <Bergendy Brewery Ranfed Weapon Merchant>, Morrisen Map, E-9
Romeo <Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Kai'non City, G-4
Rosaline <Einhoren East Gate Guard>, Del Lagos Map, F-8
Rosania <Fallen Noble>, Montt City, G-4
Rossette <Healing Forest Guard>, Eibach Map, H-2
Rowina <Liom Region Inspectors>, Liom Map, F-2
Ruby <Pet Merchant>, Kai'non City, F-7
Rud <Caravan Merchant>, Armenes Map, G-9
Rupie <Limestone Foothill Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Varvylon Map, H-2

Sabrina <Sundries Merchant>, Fishing Hole
Salomian, Eibach Map, F-7
Saphie <Master Armorsmith>, Kai'non City, H-4
Sarbena <Banished Wizard> Vena City, I-4
Selima <Alchemist of Darkness>, Montt City, D-4
Senecca <Firr Mercenary Captain>, Kai'non City, F-8
Sepa Rosa's Conscience, Aevraury Map, C-9
Seraphia <Magic Weapon Merchant>, Ehres Harbor, D-6
Serias <Enraged Netherworld Guard>, Dharvegawan Map, J-6
Sevia <Ezker Island Guard>, Ezker Island Bindstone, Kowarrre Map, J-8
Shailina Illia <Head Prophet of Via Marea>, Vena City, E-9
Shadorf <Kai'non Guild Trustee>, Kai'non City, I-3
Shaoren <Sundries Merchant>, Par'Talucca City, G-8
Shark <Peace Order Camp Captain>, Einhore Map, I-3
Sharon <Dwarf Hill Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Eibach Map, D-6
Shinensis <Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Ehres Harbor, D-6
Sikento <Mediator>, Eibach Map, J-10
Silvester <Dwarf Hill Peddler>, Eibach Map, D-6
Silvia <Drifter>, Kai'non City, E-6
Smed <Last Warzone Ranged weapon Merchant>, Ignis Map, D-4
Sonu <City Guard>, Par'Talucca City, J-5
Sosha <Soulless Child>, Kowarrre Map, D-8
Slay <Professional Hunter>, Rima Map, E-2
Spinel <Secret Envoy>, Ignis Map, G-6
Spike <Firr Mercenary>,Aevraury Map,H-6
Stoper <Northern Peace Order Dispatch>, Varvylon Map, G-9
Subaidah <Vengeance Dealer>, Rev'Deca City, D-6
Surbhar <Disbanded Guild Master>, Rev'Deca City, G-6
Syaara <Magic Scolar>, Geizan Map, D-6
Syracus <Poet>, Aevraury Map, C-7

Taciano Sima <Par'Talucca Commander>, Par'Talucca City, J-5
Talia <Downstream of Shaman River Guard>, Armenes Map, D-8
Tares <Level Refiner>, Par'Talucca City, H-4
Tarran <Master Armorsmith>, Par'Talucca City, E-2
Tasha <Alchemist of Darknes>, Par'Talucca City, F-5
Tayo <Edoneh Camp Captain>, East Bahran Island Map, D-4
Terano <Merchant in Search of Materials>, Varvylon Map, D-4
Teresa <Traitor's Guillotine Guard>, Del Lagos Map, I-3
Theresia <Grieving Grandmother>, Einhoren City, J-6
Tigris <Pet Merchant>, Vena City, I-3
Timothy <Master Weaponsmith>, Einhoren City, H-8
Toaz, Geizan Map, H-4
Tomstone <Orc Fortress Peddler>, Aevraury Map, F-3
Torio <Inspectors of Geizan Region>, Geizan Map, J-8
Torres <Alchemist of Darkness>, Rev'Deca City, G-7
Trazel <Spiritual Haven Guard>, Morrisen Map, H-9
Trey <Einhoren Noble>, Varvylon Map, D-4
Tua <Bowstring Bay Gatekeeper>, Armenes Map, C-3
Turmel <Kai'non Head Guard>, Kai'non City, H-3
Tyra, Varvylon Map, H-2

Uranus Ovid <Township Battle Mediator> Vena City, F-6

Vagan <Drunkard>, Einhoren City, J-6
Valbanes <Firr Mercenary Camp Captain>, Morrisen Map, D-4
Valeria <Varror Forest Guard>, Geizan Map, G-8
Van <Status Refiner>, Par'Talucca City, H-3
Vellarmino <Vena General>, Vena City, F-1
Vellot <Armor Merchant>, Montt City, D-3
Venustus <City Guard>, Vena City, E-9
Verian <Warrior in training>, Varvylon Map, H-2
Victoria <Pine Plateau Guard>, Varvylon Map, G-9
Viola <Origin of Necromancy Guard>, Dharvegawan Map, F-9
Virgil <Novice>, Einhoren City, I-7
Vishnu <Dream Reader>, Dharvegawan Map, F-9
Viviana Nadiv <Head of Arcane Academy>, Vena City, E-9

Walter <Retired Knight>, Einhoren City, G-7
Wasdee <Status Refiner>, Rev'Deca City, F-6
Weiren Armant <Royal Wizard>, Montt Royal Palace
Weeping Dame's Spirit <Spirit of a dead elf>, Aevraury Map, G-2
Willer <Northern Peace Order Dispatch Captain>, Varvylon Map, G-9
William <City Guard>, Einhoren City, B-7
Winebaldus <Einhoren Guild Trustee>, Einhoren City, G-4
Woman in an Ironmask <Unidentified Dark Elf>, Montt City, E-7

Xian <Firr Mercenary>, Inside Rahkon Castle 2

Yorjed <Ranged Weapon Merchant>, Fishing Hole
York <Entangled Ruins Guard>,Aevraury Map,H-6
Yvelin <Verrat Island Gatekeeper>, Aevraury Map, H-2
Yurene <Bergendy Brewery Guard>, Morrisen Map, E-9

Zaira <Armor Merchant>, Rev'Deca City, F-4
Zalbeck <Magic Weapon Merchant>, Montt City, I-3
Zeldenia <Alchemist>, Montt City, D-6
Zide <Souvenir Collector>, Montt City, G-7
Zhonat Rotus <Kai'non Commander>, Kai'non City, D-3
Zibrian <Exchange Market Staff>, Ehres Harbor, D-8

Friday, July 6, 2012

R5 Quest Rohan Guide

R5 Quest Rohan Complete Guide

R5 Quest Rohan Guide - Before you do this R5 Rohan Quest there are many things to consider :
  • You can get this quest at lvl60 but i suggest lvl70+
  • You can't do this alone you should make a party
  • The party should have this 3 important races; ranger, templar and wizzard
  • Make use of warp rings and Angel Bunny
  • Make sure your the only party whose going to take the quest for it will cause troubles latter part of the quest
  • There should be cooperation in the party w/o this its better not to do the quest to avoid wasting your time and the time of others

R5 Quest Rohan  Part 1

Quest #1: Can You hear the wind
[NPC]Muriel Prosenti
[TASK]Kill the fallowing:
60 Orc Nob
60 Orc Viceroy
60 Salamander
60 Flarefire
this may take you atleast 1hr to complete, then submit the quest to Muriel
(series of quest from Muriel to Limestone Foothill, make use of your Angel Bunny)

R5 Quest Rohan Part 2

Quest #2: Collect Storm's Contract
[TASK]You have to kill a Paragon Storm Magus to collect 1 quest item
this may take you long to finish if your not lucky then submit the quest to Dobert. Here its better to have
1 party member left with Muriel so that someone can summon you back or do the old way walk
(series of quest from Muriel to Limestone Foothill, make use of your Angel Bunny)

R5 Quest Rohan Part 3

You must use Angel Bunny 
Quest #3: Warning from the Spirits
[NPC]Muriel Prosenti
[TASK] Make a delivery to Norberto found near the entrance of R1
then go back to Muriel to submit the quest
(series of quest from Muriel to Limestone Foothill, make use of your Angel Bunny)

R5 Quest Rohan Part 4

Quest #4: Scattered Gem
[NPC]Muriel Prosenti
[TASK] The hardest task to complete but with a Wizard, Templar and Ranger in the party and fallowing my guide you can finish the quest at least 40mins ahead of time, here you are given 2hrs to complete the quest its important that you and your party took the quest at the same time.

You have to kill the fallowing:
80 Green Eyed Roamer

R4 Area C this spot gives you 10 Green Eyed Roamers but there are a lot of magic type so make sure your wizard has a full templar buffs he can do all the killing and the rest are in fallow mode. Before you reach this spot you will have to encounter a BOSS so what I did is I ask a 90+ to go to the spot and use vengeance to warp us. After you complete this the rest will be easy.

80 Emerald Keeper

next warp to Ezker go to F8

80 Breeze Sylph
Breeze Sylph

warp to R3 ignore the Golems kill the Breeze Sylph first

80 Lazurite Gnome Golem

then warp back to R3, after completing the quest submit the quest to Muriel

R5 Quest Rohan Part 5

Quest #5(LAST): Beyond the Wall
[NPC]Muriel Prosenti
[TASK] Go back to Temple of Silva
click this Calling Stone and be ready to fight a monster then go back to Muriel

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rahkon Map Rohan

Rahkon R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Map Rohan

R1 Map Rohan, Rahkon 1 Map
R1 Map Rohan
Rahkon R1 Map Rohan

R2 Map Rohan, Rahkon 2 Map
R2 Map Rohan
Rahkon R2 Map Rohan

R3 Map Rohan, Rahkon 3 Map
R3 Map Rohan
Rahkon R3 Map Rohan

R4 Map Rohan, Rahkon 4 Map
R4 Map Rohan
Rahkon R4 Map Rohan

R5 Map Rohan, Rahkon 5 Map
R5 Map Rohan
Rahkon R5 Map Rohan

R5 Map Rohan Monster List, Rahkon 5 Monster List
R5 Map Rohan Monster List
Rahkon R5 Map Rohan Monster List